Friday, April 8, 2011

Hyperhidrosis And Hypothyroidism

Fariña Nelso the Companion Report - Secretary General of Fatun


transcribe short report to the Secretary-General Partner Fatun Nelso Farina made by fellow nucleated Staff Association Teaching not Universidad Nacional de Villa Maria (APUVIM)

Wednesday April 6, 2011

The Fatun met with the RCN in the whole of Villa Maria

Members of the Federation of Worker Argentina National Universities (Fatun) met with the principals in the context of the whole of the National Interuniversity Council (CIN) to be held in Villa Maria.
The meeting raised various issues that make the reality of non-teaching staff across the country. Among other things, the general secretary of the entity, Nelso Farina, said it was agreed that a solidarity fund to improve the level of income of retired teachers not to set input workers and universities, and advanced towards the reform of the Collective Agreement Fatun .
With respect to the joint, the coach announced that the negotiations will be about the order of 25 percent. Also noted Farina stressed the "excellent relationship" with the Association Staff National University of Villa María (APUViM) and stressed the importance of local union as "a cornerstone for development and growth" of university.

What is the reason for their presence in the whole of CIN)

We came consider two issues to be resolved soon. One is the security issue you want the year '94 we took the opportunity to retire with 82 percent mobile and we're fighting to be reinstated. This has a gravity that is that our partners are accepting the retirement system with 42 percent of their income, so that when go pension system, are stocks that can not sustain economically. For this reason, and until they give 82 percent, generate a solidarity among workers and with the participation of universities to make a distribution to improve the status of retirees. We aim to reach an amount of
70 percent, a figure that is not possible in the case of higher pensions and will be done with the contribution of 2 percent of workers and 2 percent of the university. Another issue is the reopening of negotiations to modify the Collective Agreement the non-teaching work that needs to be updated. We believe we must bring the agreement to these times and we had a good response from the presidents who spoke favorably. Therefore, we can say that we're satisfied with this meeting of RCN.

What are the expectations for joint negotiations?

Our joint open in the second half of April and is always applied from 1 June. Of course we do not agree with nor Indec percentage of the ends of which pose some private sectors, our view is that rates must be in a no less than 25 percent, but it is a matter for discussion.

balance What makes the management of the national government regarding

We have a positive balance. If we make a comparison, the university system has greatly improved the management of Néstor Kirchner and Cristina Fernandez continued. The non-teaching employee has performed well and got our first Convention
Collective Bargaining which allowed us to organize ourselves differently, improve the wages and better quality work from the training. So we are working with their own careers Tecnicatura as the University Administration that will allow a better quality of our work and a better functioning of the university. It is noteworthy that our guild accompanies this oxy inclusive model that has the expectations of the people.

Source: APUVIM
Sec General Partner FARINA


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