Monday, May 9, 2011

Jelly Bracelets Meaning

Letter from the President to Moya in the Act of April 29 - Celebrating Labor Day

"I write these lines in flight to Rio Gallegos. It's 16 hours on Wednesday 27 April. Journey to their land, which is also mine, to his beloved South. Today, exactly six months ago finally went to history.
For those licenses that are making the calendar, today we are 8 years of the April 27 election in which it came to plant flags, that day despite missing the second round to go, we both had the certainty that our time, the Argentines, had finally arrived. And there was no pause or rest had to put his feet again to the motherland, a country that had been humiliated and plundered, betrayed again and again, a country to which he had caused too many injuries, countless losses, countless tragedies.
And there was, went into the task without measuring costs, or personal or political, without calculating convenience, regardless of grievances, insults or slander, without complaining, as he was, how it was always all or nothing. As if he knew did not have much time. On close inspection, one realizes that it would not have been possible otherwise.
In what way could have faced the negotiation of foreign debt that strangled the economy and the nation plunged into misery for millions of Argentines. How else could have rejected the FTAA at the Summit of the Americas in Mar del Plata Can anyone imagine what would today Argentina and South America if that would have imposed economic system?, "Perhaps I could have as president since Salvador Allende boxes, Che Rose, Tupac Amaru, in the galleries of the Casa Rosada if he had not first hook box Videla military school? History, colleagues, the story tells itself, one must know her.
Today's workers are mobilized to remember the 1st of May in a country quite different, unimaginable for all 8 years ago. A country that has returned to being a nation, people and homeland, a country that has restored rights, a country that has built new equalities, a country that continues to include, repairing many decades of inequality and injustice, a country that needs to keep growing, producing working.
I ask everyone on behalf of himself and all those whom the nation still has not been reached, that we care what we have achieved and redouble the effort. Because while a poor one, while someone who lacks a job or a living wage, he began the task is unfinished.


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